THE NAKED TRUTH (Ha’Emet Ha’Eiroma)

2008, 16 Episode, 33 minutes per episode

Screenplay: Benny Barbash,
Director: Uri Barbash
Producer: Chaim Sharir

The series was sold for remake to several territories.

Cast: Lior Ashcenazi, Genia Dodina, Yoram Hatav, Nati Ravitz, Hadas Kalderon, Alon Dahan, Daniela Certis,Yuval Sherf

Contrary to popular belief, reality, or “the truth”, has many faces. The “Rashomonic” nature of human perception creates a variety of differing and contrasting versions of the same event, which is the focus in which the two main characters are active: Irena and Gabai – two interrogators / investigators whose nature, characters, personalities, and sensitivities are supposed to help them pave the way to the core of truth that is free of its various versions and inner conflicts.

At the center of the first season of “The Naked Truth” lies the mysterious disappearance of 17 year old Hagar, a figure that is revealed by the various witnesses as complex and enigmatic. Almost everyone agrees that she is a beautiful and sexy girl, an excellent student, but from here on the opinions differ: some think she is a promiscuous teen, others are sure that she is cautious and conservative.

She kept a video journal, frequented chat rooms, and wrote blogs under an alias. She was involved in three romantic relationships simultaneously, as well as an affair with one of her high school teachers. Her mother Miki is a fashion designer. Her stepfather Nadav is a contractor who was her biological father Doron’s partner. Eight years ago, the romantic relationship between Miki and Nadav was discovered, leading to the dissolution of her parents’ marriage, and causing the former partners to be business adversaries as well as enemies.

The entire series takes place in an investigation room and the adjacent viewing room, which are separated by a one-way mirror. The investigators and the visual language of the series are also based on hidden cameras in the interrogation room which document the encounters and create a surprising array of angles and cinematic dialogue.

The series is based on three dramatic axes: the solution of the police mystery, the exposure of the family/community relationship related to the mystery, and the personal lives of the investigators and the relationship between them.

Produced for Channel 10