Small Fry tells the unbelievable true story of Kay Godfery, a young British revolutionist whose boyfriend is part of to the UK radical left-wing organizations “The Furious Brigade”, Moshe Bitter, an Israeli motorbike enthusiast brat and Basheer Nassry, a Lebanese Christian militia member (Phalangist) with tailored suits. Together, they created a drug-smuggling network that mocked the armies and borders, distributing high-demand goods thanks to the Middle Eastern chaos.
Their motivations were essentially different; the Revolutionist wanted to change the world, the Phalangist wanted to gain power in the fragile politics of his country and the Israeli brat wanted to make some easy money and impress the guys from his neighborhood. Somehow, they were a match made in heaven. None of them ever got what they wanted but it was a fun ride, full of action. And the most interesting thing is that it’s a true story– every last detail of it.
It all began when Kay decided not to return to the UK with her boyfriend but to travel to Israel and spend a few months volunteering in a Kibbutz. On her way to Israel she met Moshe Bitter and they became friends. Moshe and his neighborhood friends were well connected to drug dealers from Gaza that sold them Hash for an exaggerated price.
When Kay and Bitter realized that Hash in the UK is extremely expensive, they understood that once they’ll find a way to smuggle the drugs to Kay’s boyfriend, they were going to make a fortune. When the Israeli army invaded Lebanon, a new drug supplier emerged and all rules were broken.
At the peak of their action, they were responsible for the second largest drug smuggling operation in the history of the UK that financed the illegal activities of “The Furious Brigade”. That’s when they also got caught and some of them found themselves in prison for many years.
Small Fry is not a series about Drug Lords and international political affairs. It’s a story with far more innocence than maliciousness. A story about petty criminals that bite far more than they can chew, and get away with it. Well, at least until they really exaggerate.
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