The Drill
A Suspense Series, 7 Episodes
Created and written by: Ayelet Gondar Goshen
Script editor: Dror Mishani
Noa Ababa (23), the first combat soldier of Ethiopian descent to serve in the Israeli commando, receives an offer that would fund her studies and help her family escape from the cycle of poverty: a trip to Africa via an Israeli security company. There, Noa is supposed to teach the local security forces how to prevent terror attacks at the airport.

A Suspenseful Political Action Series
8 Episodes 45 minutes
Created and written by: David Ackerman
The Israeli prime minister has a dedicated and ethical security team ready to sacrifice their lives for him. But when that prime minister is willing to sacrifice the citizens in a war against Iran the team members will have to decide whom they want to defend: the individual or the country?

A Suspenseful YA Action Series
8 Episodes 45 minutes
Created and written by: Sahar Shavit and Anat Gafni
Director: Ofir Lobel
On a small island between Thailand and Cambodia, a group of young people on trip of pure, unbridled freedom find themselves at the center of a breakout of a mysterious plague in the Far East. From paradise on earth, the area has turned into a stressful region, gripped by paranoia… while the plague keeps spreading and goes global.

BlackSpace 2 TBA
Jerusalem 2 TBA
The girl from Oslo2 TBA